April 18, 2024
Thursday, Zoom
3-6 PM EST
12:00-1:00 PM EST: “Nuts and Bolts of Fieldwork” with Claire Laurier Decoteau, University of Illinois, Chicago, Moderated by Mónica Salmón Gómez, The New School
1:00-2:00 PM EST: “Theory and Ethnography” with Sharmila Rudrappa, University of Texas, Austin, Moderated by Dr. Letisha Engracia Cardoso Brown, University of Cincinnati
2:10-3:00 PM EST: Informal Conversations, Community-Building and Closing, Moderated by Tom Corcoran, University of Massachusetts, Amherst and Aaron Benavidez, Harvard University
November 2, 2023
Thursday, Zoom
3-6 PM EST
3:00-3:50 PM EST: Welcome and Informal Open Group Conversation, Moderated by Tom Corcoran, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
4:00-5:00 PM EST: “Let’s Hustle, Together, Again,” with Javier Auyero, University of Texas, Austin
5:10-6:00 PM EST: Community Troubleshooting, Conversation and Closing, Moderated by Aaron Benavidez, Harvard University