Connecting ethnographers across generations

Supporting innovation.

Began in 2023, the Society for Emerging Ethnographers programs gatherings and events for the development of early career ethnographers. Our signature “Inside the Ethnographers Studio” hosts Q&A sessions with celebrated ethnographers.

The Society for Emerging Ethnographers is a doctoral student-led organization. Current Society Chairs hail from Harvard, the New School, Northeastern, and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Our Team

Q&A topics have centered on field technique, choices made, and the post-field craft. Our sessions are intended to encourage honest advice from celebrated ethnographers—for next generation scholars. Previous faculty have included Javier Auyero, Claire Laurier Decoteau, and Sharmila Rudrappa.

Inside the Ethnographers Studio

The Society for Emerging Ethnographers requires no membership dues. By adding your name to the mailing list, you can consider yourself a member! Membership benefits include being one of the first to learn of Society programming as well as members-only access to "Inside the Ethnographers Studio" recordings.

Supporting Community, Membership

“Ethnographers learn to experience through the senses in anticipation of writing: to remember dialogue and movements like an actor; to see colors, shapes, textures, and spatial relations as a painter or photographer; and to sense moods, rhythms, and tone of voice like a poet.”

—Robert Emerson, Rachel Fritz, and Linda Shaw,
Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes (1995)